Basics of SCRUM – Part 3

Scrum Artifacts ​Scrum Artifacts – results/products of our management activities – are designed to increase transparency of information related to the delivery of the project, and provide opportunities for inspection and adaptation. ​There are six artifacts in Scrum: ​Items 5 and 6 might look more like activities, but they are considered artifacts in the Scrum

Basics of SCRUM – Part 2

In Part 1 we extensively covered the basics about Scrum, Agile Manifesto , the Principles, facts and myths about Scrum and the roles within the team. In this post we will concentrate on understanding and will do a deep dive analysis of: Scrum Events Scrum events are designed to enable critical transparency, inspection, regularity, and

Basics of SCRUM – Part 1

After some thought i have decided to write and share some of the basics about Scrum. A lot of people have different views, theories and ways of doing things which they call Scrum. While i do not contest some of those practices but its essential to understand the concepts and strongly agree that every organization